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Friday, 26 August 2011

Awareness talk to Childline Staff Kollam

Dr.Jose Puthenveed facilitated the group of Childline Staff of Kollam on the topic:
 SAVE OUR CHILDREN on 23-08-11

Thursday, 25 August 2011

SJGCC MEDIA: MANOJALAKAM Part - 1: Psychological Discussions on Current Topics


Manojalakam  Part 1 CD: a collection discussions of psychological topics  on Radio Benziger  given by Dr.Jose Puthenveed  was released on 13th September 2011 at Kristu  Jyothi  Animation Centre Quilon, by His Excellency,Rt.Rev.Dr.Stanley Roman,  presenting a copy to Msgr.Sugun, Director, B.C.C. Diocese of Quilon.  Rt.Rev.Msgr.K.J.Jesudas , Vicar General, introduced the contents of the CD to the priests. Rev.Dr.Jose Puthenveed thanked His Excellency and the audience.

These Discussions were broadcasted in Benziger Radio, Kollam. 
This CD is very useful for schools, parish communities and religious groups to initiate awareness. Promote this CD for saving our children and many precious lives.

This MP3 CD is available for sale at SJGCC Centre, Kollam: Ph.0474-2745691