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Saturday, 22 October 2011

Dr.Jose Puthenveed invited by MLCU, Shillong

Dr.Jose Puthenveed invited to talk at MLCU Conference

Dr.Jose Puthenveed, Director St.Joseph’s Guidance & Counseling Centre, is invited by Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, Meghalaya to speak on ‘Community programs for substance abuses’ on 2nd November, 2011 at Shillong MLCU Campus Auditorium. Dr.Jose Puthenveed is one of the first Indian graduates in Addiction Counseling from Siena Heights University, Adrian, Michigan, USA. He has written many articles on the subject in journals and is active in Community Programs of Substance Abuse the Prevention. The details of the program is given below:

Developing an MPhil in Community Mental Health
Round Table Discussion
November 2, 2011

Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong,Meghalya

A.                 Objectives of the Meeting

1.      To have an overview of the project: “Comprehensive Programme for Promoting Mental       Health in Meghalaya”
2.  To discuss the broad aspects of community mental health with special reference to Meghalaya
3.   To conceptualise and prepare a broad approach and structure for the proposed MPhil in Community Health

B.                   Programme

09:30am               Welcome                                                                                   Sandi Syiem
09:40am               Objectives of the meeting                                                        Glenn C Kharkongor
09:50am               About Hans Foundation and the project                                 Carmo Noronha
10:00am               Clinical competencies for the MPhil                                       R Srinivasa Murthy
10:45am               Tea
11:00am               Community Neurology                                                          Chandran Gnanamuthu
11:30am               Referral and follow-up in the community                                Sandi Syiem
12:00am               Cross-cultural issues in community mental health                 Gideon Arulmani
12:30pm               The experience of Saarthak in community training                Achal Bhagat
01:00pm               Lunch
01:30pm               Teaching-learning methods and faculty                                                 
                                                                                                                                Glenn Kharkongor
02:00pm               Research in community mental health                                     PSS Sundar Rao
02:30pm               Global perspectives in community mental health                   Allen Kharbteng
03:00pm               Tea
03:15pm               Community programs for substance abuse                             Jose Puthenveed
03:45pm               Policy implications                                                                    Donald Wahlang
04:15pm               Final discussion
04:30pm               Close

C.                  Resource Persons

Dr Chandran Gnanamuthu MD, DM has 35 years of clinical experience in neurology. He was professor and Head of the Department of Neurological Sciences at Christian Medical College, Vellore, India for many years. He was a visiting International Scholar at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio and has over 50 publications in peer-viewed journals and has presented papers at several national and international conferences. He is now a senior consultant at Fortis Hospital, Bangalore.

Dr R Srinivasa Murthy, MD, is former Head, Department of Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bangalore, and now heads The Association for the Mentally Challenged, Bangalore.  Dr Murthy has contributed to the National Mental Health Programme and to the Government of Karnataka in developing  mental health policies and plans for the State.  He has over 200 publications, authored 10 manuals of mental health care and edited five books.   Prof Murthy has worked with the World Health Organization in the developing of mental health programs in Bhutan, Iran, Kuwait, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Yemen.  He was Editor in Chief of the WHO World Health Report 2001.

Dr PSS Sundar Rao, DrPH, FSS, is former Professor and Head of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, CMC, Vellore.  He has been Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee, Indian Council of Medical Research, Chairman, National Cancer Registry and member, Advisory Committee, Ministry of Science and Technology.  He has published 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals and received more than 100 research grants.

Dr Achal Bhagat, MD, MRCPsych is a consultant psychiatrist at Apollo Hospital, Delhi. He is the Director of Saarthak, a voluntary organization focusing on the mental health needs of the community.  Saarthak has created partnerships with the community to further the mental health of people from vulnerable contexts.  It has developed service delivery protocols and models and capacity building programs.  Saarthak’s work was covered on Star TV News, New Delhi in 2010.

Dr Gideon Arulmani, MPhil, PhD is a clinical psychologist specialised in career psychology, who founded The Promise Foundation, Bangalore.  He has been consultant to the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and UNICEF for projects in Rwanda, Maldives, Sri Lanka and other countries. He is president of the Indian Association for Career and Livelihood Planning.  He has written, reviewed and served on editorial boards of several journals.  He is visiting senior lecturer at the University of Canterbury, UK and visititng professor at MLC University, Shillong

Dr Allen Kharbteng, MRCPsych, MBA is a consultant psychiatrist in the NHS, UK and Executive Committee Member, Eastern Division of The Royal College of Psychiatrists.  He heads a national award winning “integrated acute psychiatric team”. He initiated the voluntary overseas service scheme of the Royal College for which he has written a Volunteers Manual.

Dr Jose Puthenveed, MA, MA, PhD, formerly Head of the Department of Psychology at the Fatima Mata National College, Kollam, and Kerala is now Director, St Joseph’s Guidance and Counselling Centre, Kollam.  He is also the Principal of the IPSS College of Social Sciences, Kollam.  Fr Jose has initiated the Students’ Assistance Program (SAP)in Kerala which includes Life Skills for children and awareness for teachers and parents. He is also a Family counsellor, Family Court, High Court of Kerala. Besides his Master’s Degree and Doctorate in Psychology, he has a Masters Degree in Addiction Counselling from U.S.A.

Mr Donald Wahlang, IAS is Commissioner Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Department of Health

Mr Carmo Noronha, Executive Director, Bethany Society, Shillong
Dr Sandi Syiem MD, Director of San-ker, Shillong
Dr Glenn Kharkongor, MD, MPH, VC of MLC University, Shillong

Sunday, 16 October 2011


Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom
Lead thou me on.
The night is dark, and I am far from home
  Lead thou me on. 

Cardinal Newman   

Mind Wellness Program:

 Sensitivity Training Workshops for Sustaining Mental Health among Religious Communities, Diocese of Quilon, Kerala, India

Studies have shown that high level of stress, inadequate social and emotional support and lack of personal relationship have led to an alarming increase in mental health disorders in modern times. We religious women and men are human beings with biological stress and strain coupled with frailties, misconceptions and misgivings like men and women in the secular world.

Midlife and retirement periods are also significant life transitions for both men and women in religious communities.  The impact of these can affect the psychological life of individual members. Satisfactions of psychological needs such as affection, recognition, security, achievement, independence status are some of the vital needs to be addressed in our community life for a healthy development and well-being of the personality. 

In this program all the members are invited to join the workshops close to their communities. Date and venue will be informed to all the communities as and when the workshops are held.  Let us join together to search for ways and means towards our MIND WELLNESS. 

Mind Wellness Program At Tangassery, Kollam 25th Sept,2011

Mind Welless Program was inaugurated by Rt.Rev.Msgr.K.J.Jesudas, Vicar General, Diocese of Quilon. Sisters of Mt.Carmel, Charity Sisters Convent and Holy face attended the meet. Sr..Bertha College of Nursing Holy Cross,  Kottiyam and Rev.Dr.Jose Puthenveed facilitated the meet.

Handout to participants 

Fighting Depression
Do religious women get depressed?

We all go through ups and downs in our mood. Sadness is a normal reaction to life’s struggles, setbacks and disappointments.
What happens if prayers don’t work for depression?

     What do you mean by depression?

Depression is “living in a black hole”   or having a feeling of impending doom.
Depression is a state of extreme sadness or hopelessness that reaches a point where it affects your everyday activities and quality of life.
It can affect anyone, irrespective of age, gender or race. It has been found to affect twice as much as it affects men.
Types of depression
Major depression
Atypical depression
Dsythymia  ( Recurrent ,mild depression )
Seasonal affective disorder  (SAD)
Bipolar disorder (When depression is just one side of a coin).
Chemical Imbalance which affects depression
“Chemical imbalance” as the cause of emotional distress and disturbances.
Reduced availability of neurotransmitters like Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Acetylcholine.
Increased levels of toxic neurochemcals such as Homocysteine.
Lower level of serum Magnesium, Zinc or Potassium.
Unhealthy or deficient levels of essential vitamins like B6, B 9, B12 and Vitamin –C.
Increased cortisol stress hormone levels.
Causes of depression
Not a single cause for depression.
Problem in relationship, Loneliness, Lack of social support.
Recent stressful life experience.

Early childhood trauma or sexual abuse. 
Family history of depression (Genetic factor).

Worry about career and retirement.
Unemployment or under employment.
Difficulty to accept physical change that occurs after menopause.
Symptoms of depression
Always in sadness
Feeling guilt, hopelessness, melancholy for prolonged period of time.
Increased anger
Lack of interest in activity that previously enjoyed
Always feeling tired
Poor concentration
Problem in making in decision.
Sleep disturbance (Sleeping more or sleeping less).
Change in weight that is either weight gain or weight loss.
Suicidal thought.
Low self - esteem.
Physical problem such as head ache, stomach problems and chronic pain.
How to cope with causes and symptoms of depression
Useful Tips to apply in  daily  life:
Don’t feel alone, walking with awareness.
Try to share feeling with your friends or your closed one.
Always enjoy activities that you like, Listening to or playing music.
Being in Nature.
 Make schedule for exercise and follow it.
Connecting to the divine.
Give time for reading, writing that you like and enjoy in it.
Take a well balanced diet.( Rich in Vitamin  B)
Try to reduce stress.
Laugh give satisfaction  so always give laugh whenever you are possible
(Example: Recreation)
Don’t change your sleeping pattern and get enough sleep.
Find a group that support you whenever need it.
Nuns to keep in mind the idea
1. Exercise
2. Identify troubles and try to solve
3. Express yourself
4. Nutrition
5. Think positive.    6. Spiritual life

15 ways to avoid depression relapse:
1.       Get yourself educated
2.       Stay close to optimists
3.       Avoid too much responsibility
4.       Avoid guilt trips
5.       Continuing therapy and medication
6.       Deal with stressors
7.       Serve others
8.       Joint support groups
9.       Boost your self esteem
10.   Improve your diet
11.   Exercise your way to health
12.   Avoid negative thoughts
13.   Avoid alcohol and drugs
14.   The need for rest and sleep
15.   Be thankful.
Treatment for depression

Relaxation exercise is very good option for reducing depression in women (Recreation, listening music, Indoor and outdoor games, window-shopping etc).
      Individual psychotherapy.
     Antidepressants like Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, and Desipramine). 
              Prolonged stress and other factors worsen the depression, but it can also trigger it. It is better to get out from the depressive condition and stay well in life. Also it’s essential to learn to minimize and cope with stress in your day to day life. Then lead a quality and effective way of life.


A Sensitivity Workshop for sustaining mental health among the religious communities in the Diocese of Quilon

A project of St.Joseph’s Guidance & Counseling Centre (SJGCC),   Bishop Jerome Institute Campus, Kollam – 691 001



Mind Wellness Program at Vaddy Convent 15th Jan 2012
Religious communities from St.Mary's Convent, Port Kollam, Sisters Adores, Moothakara, Don Bosco Convent, Thope and Deva Mata Convent, Vaddy attended the gathering. Sr..Bertha College of Nursing Holy Cross,  Kottiyam and Rev.Dr.Jose Puthenveed facilitated the meet.

Articles on Psycho-biblical topics by Dr.Jose Puthenveed

1)      Coping with Distress: Psycho biblical therapeutic skills  approaches and skills

2)      Critical issues facing Catholic Priesthood: A Psycho-theological Analysis

3)      Jesu Muppatham Vayasil (Malayalam)

4)      Mariyam Deivathinte Amma (Malayalam)

5)      Seminary Formation: Psycho-theological perspectives on the current challenges and approaches

6)      Manshastradishtitha  Biblevyakkanam (Malayalam)

7)      Nammude  Shahodaranaya  Paulose (Malayalam)    
F                                                         Find these articles and more in the link below: 


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

MLCU MSc Students at SJGCC

MSc 2009-2011 Batch

On 26th September 2011 Convocation for IPSS College of Social Sciences  2009-11 batch of MSc students was held on 26th September 2011 at 4.43 P.M. at SJGCC Hall, Kollam. Mr.K.P. Earnest retired IFS official delivered the Keynote Address and highlighted the importance of psychological interventions and presented the certificates.  

Rt.Rev.Msgr. K.J.Jesudas, Vicar General, Quilon Diocese, presided over the gathering of students and their friends and spoke on the grave need of having professionals in mental health services in the pastoral ministry. He congratulated the outgoing students and IPSS for preparing them for the service. Dr.Jose welcomed the guests and the gathering. Students of Preshitha Mata High School performed a beautiful prayer dance under the supervision of Sr.Suma Stansilaus, the Principal. Compeering was done by Sr.Beena Paul and vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Bijo Joseph.  Mr.K.P.Earnest is seen lighting the lamp

Vist of Dr.Glenn Christo Vice-chancellor of Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, Meghalya to  SJGCC on 5th Oct.2011 

5th October  4.30 P.M. a small gathering of MSc Counseling Psychology students of Martin Luther Christian University students  spent the evening with interaction and sharing of experiences in their current services with  Dr.Glenn C Kharkongor , the Vice Chancellor of MLCU   at St.Joseph’s Guidance & Counseling  Centre, Kollam.  

Dr.Jose Puthenveed welcomed Dr.Glenn and the students and expressed the joy of helping the students with professional guidance in counseling services at SJGCC. Students presented a memento to Dr.Glenn in appreciation of the opportunities  given by MLCU in their professional life.

Dr.Glen expressed his appreciation for the services of  IPSS College of Social Sciences College and SJGCC in helping students in professional counseling profession.  

MLCU Msc Students New Year Meet 2012

On Jan 14, 2012  the New Year Meet of IPSS MLCU student meet was held at SJGCC Hall. Dr.Shaji Dasan. the Director of Matha Hospital, Mathalil, Kollam was the Chief Guest. He spoke on the importance of professional psychological assistance for the community.  In his brief speech he pointed out the increasing stress in the society and the exploitation done by quacks and religious healers.  This meet was a joyous occasion for the Alumni of IPSS College and the current batch of students. Some pictures of the meet.