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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Transformative Leadership Program

Formation of religious communities has become a central concern of the Church. The document of Congregation for Catholic Education  says, “Formation to religious life and ministry requires certain abilities as well as moral and theological virtues, which are supported by a human and psychic -  and particularly affective - equilibrium, so as to allow the subject to be adequately predisposed for giving of himself in the celibate life”.
Kerala Church is facing problems one after another:  problems of alleged homicide and women abuse related to clergy, suicides among religious women in the Church. The document of Congregation for Catholic Education, A Guide to Formation in Priestly Celibacy, (para 4) recognizes that “errors in discerning vocations are not rare, and in all too many cases psychological defects, sometimes of a pathological kind, reveal themselves only after ordination to the priesthood. Detecting defects earlier would help avoid many tragic experiences.” In this challenging context an honest evaluation of our formees and if needed an effective psychotherapeutic intervention is of paramount importance. In some cases awareness and skill development is necessary. SJGCC  with its unique resources called  a consultative meeting to identify the key areas of  collaboration.   The first meeting was held on 24th Tuesday 11 A.M. at SJGCC, Kollam.   Several Women Religious Congregations came together and shared their concerns.  Transformative Leadership Programs will be initiated shortly.