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Saturday, 11 February 2012

Thangum Thanalum: A project for school children at risk:

Consultation Meeting for Child Deveopment Practitioner's Training (CDP)

27th January a Consultation Meeting  for Headmasters/ Headmistresses was held at SJGCC  at 2 P.M on Training Program to be initiated for the 5th Standard teachers of Catholic Corporate Management, Diocese of Quilon .
This meeting was inaugurated by Rt.Rev.Msgr.K.J.Jesudas, Vicar General Diocese of Quion. Mr.Anso Cabot, Correspondent, Catholic Corporate Management, Diocese of Quilon welcomed the Headmaster/Headmistresses and Rev.Dr.Jose Puthenveed did the presentation of the project: Thangum Thanalum in power point presentation. Some scenes  from the meeting.

 29-31 May 2012

CDP Training was held at TRNITY LYCEUM School, Kollam from 29-31 May 2012.
Msgr.K.J.Jesudas Vicar General inaugurated the training program. Teachers of 29 school participated in the training. Over 70 teachers attended.

News paper report of Malayala Manorama 01-06-12

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

UNARVU Kollam Jilla Panchayat Project

Training for retired teachers and team leaders for Unnarvu: Kollam Jilla Panchayat project of early identification of Psycho-physical disabilities and intervention pilot program for school children was inaugurated on 10th January 2012 at 10.30 A.M. at St.Joseph’s Guidance & Counselling Centre, Kollam. 

Fifth standard children of one Government School in each Panchayat are selected for the pilot project. This project is to be completed in the academic year March 2012.

SJGCC has collaborated with Kollam Jilla Panchayat in preparing the project proposal and undertook the task of training the retired teachers selected for the project. SJGCC has ventured into this people oriented project after the successful initiation of Student Assistance Programme (SAP) in Trinity Lyceum and Vimalahridya ICSE schools in Kollam District.   

This unique project is first of its’ kind in the State of Kerala. SJGCC is glad that its slogan : “Early identification and early intervention”, is accepted and implemented by the Jilla Panchayat of Kollam District in collaboration with us.

SJGCC has also the track record of training around 2500 school teachers in early identification and intervention of psycho-social problems of school children in and out of Kerala State. 

SJGCC has also initiated a project for the fifth standard children of all the aided schools under the Corporate Management of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Quilon, Kerala. Training program for the teachers and retired teachers   is to begin during April –May 2012. This project named “Thangum Thanalum” will be implemented in the schools from 2012 academic year.