Consultation Meeting for Child Deveopment Practitioner's Training (CDP)
27th January a Consultation Meeting for Headmasters/ Headmistresses was held at SJGCC at 2 P.M on Training Program to be initiated for the 5th Standard teachers of Catholic Corporate Management, Diocese of Quilon .
This meeting was inaugurated by Rt.Rev.Msgr.K.J.Jesudas, Vicar General Diocese of Quion. Mr.Anso Cabot, Correspondent, Catholic Corporate Management, Diocese of Quilon welcomed the Headmaster/Headmistresses and Rev.Dr.Jose Puthenveed did the presentation of the project: Thangum Thanalum in power point presentation. Some scenes from the meeting.
29-31 May 2012
CDP Training was held at TRNITY LYCEUM School, Kollam from 29-31 May 2012.
Msgr.K.J.Jesudas Vicar General inaugurated the training program. Teachers of 29 school participated in the training. Over 70 teachers attended.
News paper report of Malayala Manorama 01-06-12