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Thursday, 24 October 2013

SAP inaugurated at St.Maria Agnes ICSE School, Kureepuzha, Kollam on 22nd October 2013

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Rev.Dr.Jose Puthenveed elected National Secretary of Conference of Catholic Psychologists of India (CCPI)
Rev.Dr.Jose Puthenveed was elected Secretary of the Conference of Catholic Psychologists of India (CCPI) at its National Conference held at Pune from 27-29th September 2013. Dr.Jose Puthenveed is a priest of the Diocese of Quilon and was the Head of the Department of Psychology from its inception till 2004 at Fatima Mata National College, Kollam. Currently he is serving St.Joseph’s Guidance & Counseling Centre, Kollam as its director and chief psychotherapist.